A web directory is a directory of WWW (World Wide Web). Directory Submission is the collection of High PR (Page Rank) websites which are arranged in different categories and subcategories. The process of submitting your website link (Home Page Link) to the web directory is called Directory Submission.

Directory Submissions is an off page factor which helps to optimize your webpage. In these directors, your website is submitted to another website.

There are different categories under which you can submit your website. For example if you have a site related to Web Designing and Development, then you will submit your site under Computer and Internet category which will help you to get backlinks from them. It very interestingly build links in one way. These directories are somewhat similat ro the mobile directories which has a list of websites in each category.

Directory Submissions are three types:

  • Featured Links: In this Featured Listing the owner of Directories site will charge for Submission and your link will be approved within 24 hours. It will help you in getting backlinks from this type of submissions. Few Websites offer this package for yearly or lifetime.
  • Regular Links: It's for free Directory Submission, no one charge for free or regular submissio but it will take 3 - 6 months time for approval or there is no guarantee of the websites getting approved by the Administrator.
  • Regular Links with Reciprocal: In this, a reciprocal link must be submitted to your website when you activate directory link, only the directory administrator will approve your link.

Importance of Directory Submissions in Off Page Submissions?

Directory Submission being a basic aspect of Off Page Submissions, helps in doing Search Engine Optimization. It is also attracts traffic on your website and getting high quality no follow backlinks.

It helps in increasing your Page Rank by building a uthority backlinks. For the people who have just started doing blogging. It's a must for them. This way you will see growth in the rankings of your website and blog by submitting your url to web directories.

Do's of Directory Submissions:
  • Find out if the directory is indexed by the top most search engines. If it has not been cached by search engines for a long period of time. There is definitely no point in submitting your links on it.
  • Established, popular directories can bring in traffic and also the kind of back links that will actually foster your site's optimization process.
  • When you submit your site into categories, make sure that the directory in question offers a unique category structure that helps in better organization of info. This will help you in locating relevant information in quick time.
  • Always check the out bound links on the category link pages. This will give you a good insight into how helpful such a submissions would be for your site.
  • Check the Google Page Rank of the Web Directory.
  • Do a quick search in the Directory to be sure site is not already listed. This saves your time.
  • Read and follow the Guidelines of the directory before submission process. I always prefer Webmsters to read and follow the DMOZ guidelines as it is applicable for directories all over the web.
  • Identify the single best category for your site. The Web Directory has an enormous array of subject to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.
  • Consider quality while building links. A single quality link is better instead of numerous non-quality links. Submitting the sites in Quality Directories can improve the site's ranking.
  • Make sure to include the keywords you are trying to target in your anchor text, but do not make them spammy. Do not use the same description and anchor text for every link. Try to change it around a bit and target different keywords.
  • Use appropriate title and description. Title should be your targeted keyword which appears in the anchor text. Description of the site is very important. It is better to create a description with all main keywords of that page. But make sure your do not stuff keywords in the description.
  • Try to get quality links from high PR (Page Rank) directories. Links from high PR directories carries more weight.
  • Always prefer manual submission. Do not rely on automated tools or software's. Submitting websites to directories on a regular basis can be a real-time consumer. Roboform helps to do this job a lot faster. Roboform, it is an autofill password keeper that is encrypted, a knock your socks off form filler, and an all around serious tool.
  • Always aim for one way links through directory submission and avoid paying for links.
  • Keep track of your submissions, check your approval status on a regular basis.
  • Document your work for future reference.
Don't Do's of Directory Submissions:
  • If a directory uses the 'rel=no follow' attribute for your link, search engines will actually never follow that link to your site. Therefore, such a directory will be of absolutely no help in your optimization campaign. Even redirects are usually not considered for back links by search engines.
  • Beware of link farms, bad neighborhoods ad free for all (FFA) link sites. These may harm our site.
  • Do not submit in directories that approve the sites without reviewing them manually and use some automated scripts to do the same.
  • Don't submit mirror sites. Mirror sites contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.
  • Don't submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory.
  • Don't Submit your site to a directory again in a month. Few sites may accept this but most of the directories display an error message as "URL already exists in the directory". Give some time to see results. If you are not listed, rethink your submission, drill down to a deeper, more relevant category, and resubmit.
  • Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
  • Don't disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once.
  • Don't submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.
  • Don't submit sites "Under Construction", Wait until a site is complete before submitting it. Sites that are incomplete, contain Under Construction notices, or contain broken graphics or links are not good candidates for the directory.

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