SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization, or the process of optimizing a website so that people can easily find it via search engine like Google. SEO mainly two Categories those are in below...

ON Page SEO :

It refers to all the things that we can do within our website such as title, description, keywords, alt tag, keyword stuffing, internal linking etc. Finally ON Page technique means structuring or building your website to be search engine friendly.

OFF Page SEO :

Off Page SEO will help make your website popular on the internet it will get more visiblity. With the help of ON Page Technique we get visibility in Search Engines but OFF Page Techniques will help to improve your web page position in SERP.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is exactly how it sounds optimizing your website content for search engines. That way Google or other search engines can easily index your content, categorize each of your pages based on the information they contain, and then serve those pages up to people who are looking for that information on the Internet.

Why You Need to Optimize Your Website for SEO

By making some simple tweaks to your website content, users who are searching online will be more likely to find you, which means increased traffic to your website.

According to Search Engine Journal, 70-80% of users ignore the paid ads, focusing instead on organic search results. SEO is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to drive more traffic to your website.

How Search Engines Work

Search engine's main process is threefold: crawling, indexing, and querying.

  • Crawling:A search engine runs a software program called a SPYDER to find content on the web.
  • Indexing:A seatch engine analyzes the content it finds to determine what it is about, then indexes it or organizes the content so that it is quickly retrieved when the next step occurs.
  • Querying:When you conduct a search online, the search engine fetches a list of results for you to consider. These searh results on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page). As Google puts it, our algorithms look up your search terms in the index to find the appropriate pages.

What's an Algorithm?

Google's algorithm is a program that analyzes a series of unique characteristics of each web page it indexes. This helps Google serve up the most relevant pages in response to a user's query.

Very few people know the actual details of Google's algorithm. That is because Google keeps its exact algorithm secret, and it updats it frequently, which keeps the SEO community on its toes.

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