Search Engine Optimization is one of the technique used to improve traffic to a website. By obtaining a high page rank in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) such as Google, Bing Yahoo and others. SEO has mainly two techniques to improve web page position in SERP namely ON Page and OFF Page SEO Techniques.

ON Page SEO :
It refers to all the things that we can do within our website such as title, description, keywords, alt tag, keyword stuffing, internal linking etc. Finally ON Page technique means structuring or building your website to be search engine friendly.

OFF Page SEO :
Off Page SEO will help make your website popular on the internet it will get more visiblity. With the help of ON Page Technique we get visibility in Search Engines but OFF Page Techniques will help to improve your web page position in SERP.

Some of the mainly used techniques in Off Page Submissions...

Directory Submissions
A web directory is a directory of WWW (World Wide Web). Directory Submission is the collection of High PR (Page Rank) websites which are arranged in different categories and subcategories. The process of submitting your website link (Home Page Link) to the web directory is called Directory Submission.

Classified Submissions
Classified Submissions is basically a process by which you can submit Classified Ads in classified submission sites. Classified Submissions can also enhance your visibility and presence in search engine marketing.

Social Bookmarking Submissions
Social Bookmarking websites are sites on which internet users share their web pages. There are a numbers of advantages to submitting your content to one or more of Social Bookmarking Sites.

PPT Submissions
Power Point Submission is an effective online marketing tactic to attract targeted traffic, get quality inbound links and maximize your site visibility in search engine marketing.

VIDEO Submissions
Videos have become critical for business marketing, them to promote their products and services in a unique and creative way. Online users are more interested in watching visual content that provide information about products and services and, therefore, Video Submission is a great way to optimize the business website in a smart way.

Image Sharing Submissions
Image Sharing is attaches to your graphics, making it easy for your audience to share a specific image, rather than the whole site.

Web 2.0 Sites
Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology as it compares to the early days of the Web, characterized by greater user interactivity and collaboration, more pervasive network connectivity and enhanced communication channels.

Search Engine Submissions
Getting listed on Google and the other popular Search Engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free (or more accurately unpaid), targetted traffic to your website.

Ping Submissions
Pinging your websites URLs to the Search Engine is very important in many cases. It helps you submit site to google quickly. Google or any other Search Engine won't be able to know itself about the changes or updates, you have made to your website.

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